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Networking: Definition, Strategies and Tips for Success

Rédacteur Antoine
Antoine Payre
September 6, 2024

Networking, or professional networking, is an essential practice to develop your professional network and boost your career or business. Its positive effect on the credibility and growth of the network is undeniable.

In France, networking is taking on particular importance in many sectors of activity. Networking is also an effective method for establishing and maintaining long-term professional relationships.

This article provides you with a comprehensive definition of networking, its benefits, and effective strategies for excelling in the art of networking.

What is networking?

“Networking” refers to all actions aimed at creating, developing and maintaining a network of professional contacts.

These interactions can occur during dedicated events, informal meetings, seminars, conferences, or even on social networks.

The purpose of networking is to exchange information, advice, opportunities, and mutual support. Setting clear goals for each networking interaction is crucial in order to focus your efforts and build lasting relationships.

Why is networking important?

Benefits of Business Networking

  1. Access to new opportunities : Networking allows you to come into contact with people or companies that can open up new career opportunities, business partnerships or interesting projects for you.
  2. Skills development : Interacting with experienced professionals allows you to learn new skills and receive valuable advice.
  3. Increased visibility : By actively participating in networking events, you can increase the visibility of your business and your personal brand.
  4. Support and encouragement : A good network offers support, advice, and encouragement, which is especially helpful in overcoming professional challenges. The positive effect of networking is also reflected in increased credibility and a significant increase in your network.

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How to do networking?

Participate in Events

Networking events are ideal opportunities to meet other professionals. In France, these events can take the form of conferences, trade shows, business breakfasts, networking evenings and sectoral meetings.

A few tips to maximize your interactions during these events:

  • Get ready : Learn about the participants and speakers. Identify the people you want to meet.
  • Be authentic : Engage in genuine and interested conversations rather than just handing out business cards.
  • Follow the contacts : After the event, send an email or connect on LinkedIn to strengthen the relationship.

Use Professional Social Networks

Platforms like LinkedIn are powerful tools for networking. They allow you to connect with professionals from around the world and to participate in discussion groups relevant to your sector.

As a professional social network, LinkedIn is particularly effective in finding new prospects in B2B and is a strategic choice among the most relevant social networks according to your sector of activity.

Tips for effective networking on LinkedIn:

  • Optimize your profile : Make sure your profile is complete and professional, with a quality photo and detailed descriptions of your experiences.
  • Be active : Share articles, comment on the posts of your contacts, and participate in discussions in professional groups.
  • Customize your connection requests : Explain why you want to connect and how you can add value to each other.

Join Professional Associations

Professional associations offer networking opportunities while keeping you up to date with the latest trends in your sector. In France, numerous associations regularly organize events, workshops and seminars.

The Use of Business Cards Connected with NFC to Develop Your Professional Network

Innovation in Networking

Business cards connected with NFC represent a major innovation in the world of professional networking.

Unlike traditional business cards, NFC cards allow an instant and digital exchange of your contact details via a simple contact with a smartphone.

Benefits of NFC Cards at Networking Events:

  • Environmentally friendly : Reduce the use of paper and contribute to an eco-responsible image.
  • Practices : Allow complete information to be shared without the risk of loss or damage to the card.
  • Moderns : Reflect an image of modernity and innovation, which is particularly appreciated in technology sectors and startups.
  • Interactivities : Facilitates the memorization of contacts by integrating direct links to your LinkedIn profile, website or portfolio.

For any salesperson, having an NFC business card at networking events has become an essential asset.

It makes an impression while simplifying the exchange of contact details, which considerably improves the chances of follow-up and future collaboration.

How do you avoid networking pitfalls?

Avoid Opportunistic Networking

Networking should be based on authentic and reciprocal relationships. Avoid engaging in networking just for personal benefits. Instead, focus on creating relationships that are long-lasting and mutually beneficial.

Don't Neglect Follow-ups

After a networking event, it is crucial to follow up with your new contacts. A simple email or a connection on LinkedIn can make a big difference and strengthen the budding relationship.

Stay Professional in All Circumstances

Whether at an event or on social media, always maintain a professional demeanor. Avoid controversial discussions and be respectful of the opinions of others.

Virtual Networking: A New Dimension

Virtual Events and Webinars

With the rise of remote working and digital technologies, virtual networking has become a common practice. Webinars, online conferences, and discussion groups on platforms like Zoom or Teams offer networking opportunities that are just as effective as in-person events.

Virtual Networking Tips:

  • Get ready : As with in-person events, find out about attendees and topics of discussion.
  • Interact actively : Participate in discussions, ask questions, and share experiences.
  • Use digital tools : Take advantage of chat and document sharing features to exchange information and strengthen your contacts.

What to remember

Networking, or professional networking, is an essential skill for anyone who wants to develop their career or business.

In France, there are numerous networking opportunities through events, professional associations and online platforms. By choosing the right strategies and using innovative tools like NFC-connected business cards, you can maximize the impact of your networking.

Remember, the success of networking is based on authentic and lasting relationships, based on reciprocity and mutual respect.

By following these tips and taking a proactive approach, you will be in a position to build a strong and influential network, paving the way for new professional opportunities and lasting career success.

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