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General conditions of use

Article 1 - Definitions

"The Client": any User, whether an individual or legal entity acting within the scope of their professional activities, who has registered and subscribes to the free or paid Services offered by the company.The company "Cardynale": SAS JOC SOFTWARE, located at 5 RUE JACQUES VILLERMAUX, NANCY (54000) registered under SIRET number 977 658 723 00019.The "Services": all digital services and offerings provided by Cardynale, accessible via the website or applications owned by Cardynale.

Article 2 - Purpose

These General Terms of Use (hereinafter "GTU") aim to establish the conditions of access and use of the Services. By accessing or using the Services, the Client agrees to be bound by these GTU, as well as all applicable laws and regulations. If the Client does not accept these conditions, they are requested not to use the Services.

Article 3 - Description of Services

3.1 General Provisions
Cardynale offers an online platform for managing professional contacts and facilitating network interactions among users and third parties. The Client may import, manage, and share contact information, including identifiable personal data, under the conditions defined herein.

3.2 Subscription to Services
Creating an account through a valid email address and other relevant information is necessary to access the Services. The subscription is personal and non-transferable. The Client is responsible for the security of their account and all activities conducted through it.

3.3 Use of Services
The use of the Services must comply with these GTU. The Client undertakes to provide accurate personal data and not to use the Services for illegal or unauthorized purposes. Non-compliance may result in the termination of the Client's account.

4. User Content

The Client is solely responsible for the content they provide via the Services, including its legality, reliability, and appropriateness. Cardynale reserves the right to use the Client's content in the operation of the Services, in accordance with the rights granted below.

5. Intellectual Property

5.1 Ownership by Cardynale
All intellectual rights related to the Services are the exclusive property of Cardynale. The Client agrees not to reproduce, modify, distribute, or use the Services otherwise than expressly authorized by these GTU.

5.2 Ownership of User Content
The Client retains full ownership of their content, subject to the licenses granted to Cardynale for the operation of the Services. These licenses are detailed in these GTU and only allow Cardynale to use the Client's content for the provision of the Services.

6. Organization

Group or organizational subscriptions allow for the management of collaborative spaces. Subscription fees are calculated per user and per organization. Contents shared within an organization remain accessible to all members, even after a user's departure.

7. Liability and Warranties

7.1 Limitation of Liability
Cardynale does not guarantee that the Services will be error-free or uninterrupted. Cardynale disclaims any responsibility for interruptions or content losses. Cardynale's liability will be limited to the amounts paid by the Client over the last twelve months.

7.2 Third-Party Technologies
Cardynale is not responsible for the content or services provided by third parties integrated into the Services. The Client assumes full responsibility for the use of these third-party technologies.

8. Termination

Cardynale may terminate the Client's access to the Services for non-compliance with these GTU. The Client may also cancel their subscription at any time, but this will only take effect at the end of the current subscription period.

9. Payments

Applicable fees are specified at registration and must be paid in advance. Subscription renewal is automatic, and the Client will be billed at the current rates unless cancelled beforehand. Cancellation can occur at any time before the renewal date, without a notice period.

10. Miscellaneous

These GTU are governed by French law, and any disputes relating to these conditions will be exclusively resolved by French courts.

Security Commitments
Cardynale commits to protecting the Client's data in accordance with its Privacy Policy and encourages ethical vulnerability research.

Entire Agreement
These GTU constitute the entire agreement between the Client and Cardynale and supersede all prior written or oral agreements. Any modifications to these GTU must be approved in writing by Cardynale.By using the Services, the Client confirms their acceptance of these GTU in full. For any questions regarding these conditions, please contact us directly.