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The business card scan

Turn business cards into digital contacts instantly

With our scanner powered by Cardynale AI, you can scan your paper business cards directly in the Cardynale mobile app.

Overview of the digital business card by Cardynale

Our business card scanner is already used by 2500+ businesses

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How does that work?

Un scanner de carte de visite papier crée un contact numérique

Scan a paper business card in the Cardynale app.

Le scanner de carte de visite en papier analyse la carte pour créer un contact

Let Cardynale AI create the contact in seconds.

Un contact est créé avec toutes les informations de la carte papier

Your contact is created, add tags and notes to contextualize the meeting.

the fully customizable digital profile

Manage all your scans in Cardynale

File and manage your new contacts directly from the Cardynale mobile application.

Add tags and notes to make sure you don't forget anything.


Adopt an all-in-one solution for your business cards

Cardynale is the only solution that allows you to simultaneously create A digital business card, scanner paper cards, and connect to your CRM.

Dashboard for members
Cardynale makes it possible to transform a simple paper business card into a digital prospect

Collect your team's contacts

Let your employees benefit from Cardynale and Centralize meetings, for even more efficiency, without losing a single opportunity.


CRM & Automation Integrations

Connect Cardynale to your CRM favorite and export contacts from Business card scan or from your profile.

Centralize all your prospects in your tools, effortlessly.

CRM Integrations

Your information,
in all situations

Make your digital business card appear by typing the Cardynale NFC card

Cardynal NFC card

Buy a NFC Card

Cardynale app QR code

Cardynale also offers a QR code containing all the information from your digital profile.
Digital card details can be added to Apple and Google wallet

Apple & Google Wallet

Custom Email Signatures

Get your signature ->
Possibility of customizing the automatic signature of your email with Cardynale's digital business card
Namedrop feature

NameDrop (iOS)

Frequently asked questions

How do I scan a business card?

To scan a business card with Cardynale, log on to the Cardynale platform hither then download the Cardynale mobile application, open it, and use the business card scan function.

You will then take a photo of the business card, and Cardynale's AI will analyze all the characters.

This data will then be extracted for create a contact form, which can be added to your directory in one click.

How do I register a business card?

After scanning a business card with the Cardynale application, a contact form is created. You can then save it to your contact list.

You can also organize and sync them with your CRM on our higher plans.

What is the best business card scanner app?

Cardynale is a complete application for scanning business cards, which also makes it possible to list all contacts and to synchronize with the various CRMs (HubSpot, Salesforce, Salesforce, Zoho, Dynamics...).

Cardynale also allows you to create your digital business card, to exchange all your contact details in the blink of an eye.

Is the business card scan free?

Cardynale's Free plan allows you to scan business cards and offers basic features.
It is possible to upgrade to a higher plan for automatic directory sync, CRM connections, and more.