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Confidentiality policy

Privacy policy


a simplified joint stock company with capital of 71. 000 Euros, whose registered office is located at 5 rue Jacques Villermaux in Nancy (54000), registered in the Nancy Trade and Companies Register under number B 977 658 723 (hereinafter the "Company"), invites the Internet user (hereinafter the "USER") to read this confidentiality and personal data protection policy before using the cardynale.com Internet site (hereinafter the "Site").

The purpose of this confidentiality and personal data protection policy is to define the terms and conditions for the processing of personal data relating to the management of the Site, by the Company in its capacity as Data Controller.

The USER is informed that the Data Protection Policy may be modified at any time and that he/she is invited to consult it regularly.

Any natural person connecting to or using the Site expressly acknowledges having read this Confidentiality and Personal Data Protection Policy.


The data communicated by the USER at the time of purchase of the connected business card and by means of the form made available to the user at the time of activation of his/her digital profile, is intended for authorised persons of the Company, for administrative management purposes.

The USER is informed that the information marked with an asterisk is compulsory and agrees to provide it so that his/her request can be processed.

Otherwise, the request cannot be processed or will be delayed due to the aforementioned lack of information.

The USER is hereby informed that his personal data relating to his surname, first name, e-mail address, home address, passport photograph, bank details, connection and browsing data (IP address, date and time of connection, information on the browser used) may be processed.

This personal data will be processed for the following purposes
- the implementation and management of the Site's services,
- the operation of the service offered,
- responding to specific requests from users,
- to operate and improve the services and the Site,
- the communication of a newsletter and/or press releases, or publications.

It is agreed that the Company may request, on an optional or compulsory basis, personal information from the USER such as his/her e-mail address, sharing said personal data with third-party companies subject to the express prior consent of the USER for marketing and/or commercial purposes.

The USER is informed that this information will be :
- obtained and processed fairly and lawfully ;
- recorded for legitimate purposes that are strictly limited, adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the Company's aims;
- used with care to ensure security and confidentiality in order to prevent any modification, destruction, damage or communication to unauthorised third parties.

The data collected on the Site comes from the voluntary registration by the USER of his/her electronic mail address as well as personal data concerning him/her enabling him/her to benefit from the service offered, newsletters, press releases and publications of the Company, with the exception of IP addresses registered automatically.

In accordance with Article 30 of the "General Data Protection Regulation*" n°2016/679 of 27 April 2016, the Company shall keep a register delimiting all the data collected, its purpose, the category of persons concerned and a description of the related security measures, which shall be updated and made available to the Commission Informatique et Libertés.

Cardynale use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.


The purpose of collecting the data referred to in article 2 of this document is :
- To ensure the functioning of the service offered;
- To send the USER any publications issued by the Company;
- to respond to complaints, requests for information and questions from the USER;
- In general, to allow the optimal functioning of the Site for the benefit of the USER.


The personal data collected at the time of purchase of the connected business card and by means of the form communicated to the USER at the time of activation of his/her digital profile, is intended for the persons in charge of processing the information at the Company.

The personal data collected in connection with the information gathered at the time of purchase of the connected business card is intended for the persons in charge of issuing the said card in its physical version.

The personal data collected in connection with the information entered on the form communicated to the USER when activating his or her digital profile is intended for the persons in the Company in charge of ensuring the proper functioning of the digital profiles.

The USER is informed that the personal data collected by the Company on the Site are for purely internal use and will not be communicated, transferred or disclosed to third parties without the USER's express authorisation, with the exception of any judicial requisition implemented by legal provisions.

However, the USER grants the Company the right to pass on the information collected to its customers, subcontractors and/or suppliers with a view to carrying out the processing mentioned in article 3 hereof.

This is the case for personal data relating to bank details collected as part of the payment of the connected business card in order to ensure the smooth operation of payments.


In accordance with article 32, 8° of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 2018 "relating to information technology, files and civil liberties", the Company will only keep personal data for the period strictly necessary to achieve the purposes defined in article 3 of this Agreement on the Site and will not in any event exceed the duration of registration on the Site.

If the USER unsubscribes from the Site, he/she is informed that all his/her personal data will be deleted and only kept in the form of archives for the purpose of establishing proof of a right, the duration of which may not, in any event, exceed more than five (5) years, in accordance with the statute of limitations defined in Article 2224 of the Civil Code.

At the end of this period, the USER is informed that all his personal data will be definitively destroyed.

The USER is hereby informed that all personal data is sent to and stored with the Site's host, whose servers are located in France, and whose contact details appear on the site under the heading "Legal Information".


6.1 The Company takes care to strictly respect the protection of personal data communicated by the USER (hereinafter referred to as personal data) and undertakes in this respect to ensure the confidentiality of personal data transmitted to it.

In accordance with article 32 of French law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 "relating to information technology, files and civil liberties", the USER has the right to access, rectify, delete and object to, and port personal data and to withdraw his or her consent without affecting the lawfulness of the processing of the data concerning him or her.

To exercise its rights, the USER must send a written request that is clear, precise and justified, accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document to the following address:

5 rue Jacques Villermaux
NANCY (54000)]

or by e-mail: [[email protected]]

The USER is informed that in the event of incorrect, incomplete or fanciful data being provided, any request based on the aforementioned article 32 may not be carried out, and therefore acknowledges that the Company may not be held liable in this respect.

The USER also acknowledges that the collection of certain data may be required for regulatory or contractual reasons and that he/she may therefore be obliged to provide the personal data requested.

The USER also has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of his choice, and in particular with the Commission Informatique et Libertés located at 3 place Fontenoy - 75007 Paris, if he believes that one of his rights has been violated by the processing of his data.

6.2 In accordance with Article 40-1 of Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended by Law no. 2018-493 of 20 June 2018, USERS are informed that they may give instructions regarding the retention, deletion and communication of their data after their death.

A person may be appointed to execute these instructions. This person is then entitled, when the person has died, to become aware of the directives and to request their implementation from the data controllers concerned.

These directives may be :
- general, when they relate to all data concerning a person or ;
- specific, when they concern only certain specific data processing operations.

The USER is informed that when these directives are general and concern all of the deceased's data, they may be entrusted to a trusted third party certified by the CNIL.

In the case of specific directives, they may also be entrusted to those responsible for processing in the event of death. They are subject to the specific consent of the person concerned and cannot result simply from the latter's approval of the general conditions of use.

In the absence of instructions given by the data subject during his or her lifetime, the heirs will be able to exercise certain rights, in particular :
- the right of access, if this is necessary for the settlement of the deceased's estate ;
- the right to object to the closure of the deceased's user accounts and to object to the processing of their data.


7.1 A "cookie" is a text file sent by the Site to an Internet browser, which is then stored in the memory of a computer or mobile phone for the purpose of memorising the USER'S preferences and settings, as well as determining the number of visitors to the Site, running advertising campaigns and generally understanding the interests of the USER using the Site.

Cookies may have a variable lifetime.

Session" cookies continue to be displayed only if the User's browser is open. They are automatically deleted when the USER closes his/her browser.

So-called "permanent" cookies continue to be active even if the browser is closed and can recognise the USER's device when a new session is opened.

The purpose of this article is to provide the USER with precise information concerning the cookies used by the Company when using the Site.

In addition to session cookies, the USER is informed that the Site uses the following cookies:
- Google Analytics

Google uses cookies that are stored on the USER's computer.

They enable the USER's use of the Site to be analysed.The information provided by the cookies is transmitted to a Google server in the United States for storage purposes. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf.

Google Analytics records information anonymously.

The USER is hereby informed that the site statistics do not contain any information that would allow visitors to be directly identified, and that no personal data concerning the USER will be brought to the attention of Google Analytics.

7.2 The Company uses cookies whose purpose is to indicate the USER's previous visit to the Site.

Because of the purpose of these cookies, the USER is informed that they do not allow him/her to be identified, so that no personal data is collected when they are stored on the computer terminal.

Cookies are used exclusively by the Company to personalise the Site's services.

7.3 When browsing the Site, the USER's computer terminal may store one or more cookies from commercial Partners whose purpose is to identify the USER's centres of interest and to collect browsing data in order to adapt the advertising offer sent to the USER outside the Site.

The USER is informed and expressly acknowledges that the Company cannot exercise any control over cookies operated by third parties.

However, the Company will make its best efforts to ensure that Commercial Partners agree to process the information collected on the Site in accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 2018 "relating to data processing, files and freedoms" and that the latter take all measures intended to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data collected.

7.4 The USER has the possibility of expressing his wishes in terms of cookie management by means of the "Help" section located in his browser's toolbar.

This toolbar indicates how to refuse new cookies, how to deactivate them or how to be informed of their receipt.

The USER also has the option of deleting cookies manually.

7.5 The USER may deactivate or delete similar data used by software by modifying their settings or by visiting the software publisher's website.

Such browser configuration may deprive the USER of certain content and/or functionalities of the Site.

In such a case, the Company shall not be liable for any consequences arising from the loss of performance of the Site resulting from the impossibility of using the cookies necessary for its operation.

7.6 The USER is informed, where necessary, that each browser provides a protocol designed to enable him/her to notify his/her choices with regard to cookies, for which access details are given below:

- For Chrome™ browser settings: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=fr&hlrm=en
For Firefox™ browser settings: https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/activer-desactiver-cookies-preferences
For Internet Explorer™ browser settings: https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
For Microsoft Edge™ browser settings: https://privacy.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy
For Opera browser settings: https://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html
Regarding browser settings for Safari™: https://support.apple.com/fr-fr/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac
With regard to the use of cookies by Google Adwords Conversion Tracking and Google Remarketing: google.com/ads/preferences and their deactivation www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp

The USER is also informed that he/she may deactivate Google Analytics using an "Add on" browser at the following address: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=fr.

The USER is also informed that further information on Google advertising and data protection is available at https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=fr&gl=ch.

When using a mobile terminal, the USER may specify whether he/she wishes the Safari™ browser to accept cookies or not by accessing the "Settings" category and selecting the "Never", "From sites visited" or "Always" boxes in the "Accept cookies" tab.

If the USER wishes to proceed with the deletion of all cookies on Safari™, the USER must go to the "Settings" tab and then select "Delete cookies".

To delete cookies on Android, the USER shall go to the "Menu" tab then "Settings" then "Delete all cookies".

7.7 The USER is informed that certain web pages of the Site may contain web beacons whose purpose is to count the number of visitors to the Site.

The USER is informed that these web beacons may be used with the Company's Partners in order to measure and improve the efficiency of the Site and that the information obtained is only intended to gather statistics on the number of visitors to the Site and remains strictly anonymous.


Personal data is processed for the purpose of guaranteeing adequate security by means of technical and/or organisational measures appropriate to the state of the art, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.

Depending on the needs, risks, costs and purpose of the processing, the Company will, in the light of an impact analysis, take measures that may include pseudonymisation and encryption of data.

The Company shall implement a procedure to regularly test, analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of processing.

ARTICLE 9 - ACCEPTANCEThe USER acknowledges that he/she has read this confidentiality and data protection policy and that he/she has fully understood its content.

He therefore expressly accepts the terms and conditions by ticking the following box:

- In my capacity as USER of th site, I expressly consent to the present confidentiality and data protection policy*, after having read all of the above stipulations.