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Choosing Your Business Card Format: The Ultimate Size Guide

Rédacteur Antoine
Antoine Payre
September 6, 2024

In today's professional world, the business card remains an indispensable tool for establishing solid and memorable professional relationships. It is irreplaceable for the first successful contact between your business and your potential customers.

But with a multitude of formats available on the market, it can be difficult to choose the one that best suits your field of business.

In this article, we will explore the different business card formats and their relevance depending on the professional sector of their owner. You will know everything about the ideal dimensions of your business card and how to stand out in a sea of cards.

So which business card format is right for you?

The different dimensions of business cards

The standard business card format

The standard 85mm x 55mm format is a timeless classic, widely used in many sectors.

With its dimensions similar to your credit card (or bank card), this business card fits perfectly into wallets and card holders, thus ensuring constant easy access to your contact details.

In the United States and Canada, on the other hand, the standard for business card dimensions is 88.9 x 50.8 mm, while in Eastern Europe and Russia, it is a bit larger with a format of 90 x 50 mm.

The standard business card is suitable for a wide variety of professions, from lawyers and consultants to entrepreneurs and service providers.

The square card (65 mm x 65 mm)

For those looking for a touch of originality, the square card offers an elegant and distinctive alternative. With its dimensions of 65mm x 65mm, it highlights visual elements and is ideal for creative professions such as designers, artists, and photographers.

The card with rounded corners

Modern and sophisticated, the card with rounded corners maintains the classic dimensions while adding a touch of refinement. It is ideal for image-conscious professionals, such as architects, designers, and image consultants.

The slim card (40 mm x 85 mm): a smaller business card size

Compact and practical, the slim card is perfect for professionals who are always on the go. With its compact dimensions of 40mm x 85mm, it fits easily into card holders and is ideal for real estate agents, brokers and sales representatives.

The folded card: an unusual format

Offering more space to express themselves, the folded card is an ideal option for those who need to include detailed information about their services. It is ideal for architects, marketing consultants and contractors who want to present their offers in a fairly comprehensive manner.

Business cards connected with NFC: the future of the business card

Speaking of innovation, Business cards connected in NFC (Near Field Communication) offer a modern and ecological approach to the exchange of professional information.

By allowing instant data transfer via a simple touch with a smartphone, they reduce the need for paper cards and make it easier to remember contacts.

They are generally available in the same format as their paper sisters. And in a world where digitalization is becoming more and more widespread, an approach combining the “tech” and eco-responsible side is never out of the question.

Create my NFC connected business card

The amount of personal information: a good guide to the ideal format of a business card

On a business card, every square inch counts when it comes to effectively communicating your professional identity. It's crucial to include essential information that makes it easy for your contacts to find you.

Thus, your first and last name, the name of your company, your position or professional title, your contact details such as your telephone number and email address, as well as the address of your website form the essential basis of any business card.

These details provide your contacts with all the information they need to contact you or learn more about your services or products.

In addition, in some cases, it may be appropriate to add additional elements such as your logo, professional social networks, or a brief description of your activities to provide a clear overview of what you offer.

This is where the advantage of the NFC business card comes in: that of allowing you to include only what is strictly necessary in order to have a simple and aesthetic card.
But always by offering all of your contact details (and even more depending on the functionalities!) , in a single small scan.

In summary, a well-designed business card is one that concisely and professionally presents all the information that is relevant to establishing and maintaining successful business relationships.

What font size for a standard business card?

The ideal font size for a business card depends on a number of factors, including the size of the card, the amount of information to include, and the readability you want (all of the points we just covered earlier).

In general, it is recommended to use a font size between 8 and 12 points to ensure that the text remains legible even on a small area.

However, it is important to keep in mind that readability may vary depending on the type of font chosen and its complexity. For essential information such as your name and business name, it's best to use a slightly larger font size to highlight it.

On the other hand, for contact details like phone numbers and email addresses, a slightly smaller font size can be used to save space.

Ultimately, the aim is to find a balance between legibility and aesthetics to create a professional and appealing business card.

So has the choice of your business card format been made?

Whether you're opting for a business card format with a standard size or looking for a bolder option, it's important to choose or design a template that reflects your professionalism and style.

Taking into account your field of activity, target audience, and personal preferences, you can create a business card that will leave a lasting impression on your business contacts.

And remember, with the advent of NFC-connected business cards, you can stay on the cutting edge of technology while reducing your ecological footprint.

Keep in mind that the business card is the window of your business, a real open door to your services and your visual identity.
So choose the business card format that suits you best!

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