NFC business cards offer a ecological alternative to traditional business cards.
By reducing paper consumption and limiting waste, they contribute to preservation of the environment.
Their sustainably and their ability to instant update reinforce their positive impact.
But is it really much more eco-friendly?
To find out, you have to compare the environmental impact NFC cards VS paper cards.
Materials, production, recyclability...
Let's decipher the numbers and facts together 🕵🏼 ♀️
These are the most common, but their production has a high environmental cost.
Every year, more than 500 million business cards are printed in France.
1 paper business card = nearly 1 liter of water + chemicals + 1g of CO2
The paper industry is one of the most consuming in water, in energy And in chemicals.
There are different types of formats:
- Classic paper : often made from virgin fibers, it requires a significant quantity of water and wood.
- Recycled paper : reduces the demand for new raw materials but remains energy-intensive.
- Kraft paper : more raw and unbleached, it limits the use of chemical products.
- Seeded paper : biodegradable, it contains seeds and can be planted after use.
But regardless of the type, 88% of paper cards are discarded within 15 days following their distribution*.
This generates tons of waste every year.
*Source: Bluenotes
A quick reminder 🔔
La business card NFC is an electronic card equipped with a NFC chip.
This chip allows short-distance wireless communication with other NFC-enabled devices, such as smartphones.
When a user Touch your smartphone to an NFC business card, it can automatically retrieve information on this one.
These cards can be made from different materials (metal, wood, wood, bamboo, PVC, etc.) that produce more or less CO2 emissions during their manufacture.
👉 Lifespan and reuse :
A well-designed NFC card can last several years without being replaced, unlike paper cards.
👉 Recyclability of components :
NFC chips are difficult to recycle, but some initiatives make it possible to recover precious materials for reuse.
The NFC card has a higher production impact than paper, but its long term use Allows you to significantly reduce the consumption of resources over the long term.
Let's take Cardynale as an example.
Production 👉 1 Cardynale = 30 paper business cards
When tocarbon footprint linked to its use (server), it is 10 times less than the issuance of a card of Paper tour.
→ Roughly speaking, the more you use your Cardynale, the more you reduce your carbon footprint compared to your use of maps of Paper tour
To help you in your decision, we have put together a calculator for you to do the test in your specific case 👀
The main advantage of the NFC business card is that it allows reduce paper consumption.
A few numbers:
By using NFC business cards, We kill fewer trees because we prefer a responsible manufacturing.
This contributes to the forest preservation and to the reduction of paper waste 🌳
Unlike the cards of traditional visits made of paper that are easily damaged or lost, the business cards NFC are more sustainable.
They can withstand daily wear and tear.
They have a longer lifespan and require few, if any, replacements.
This reduces waste generation and contributes to overall sustainability.
Unlike the cards of traditional visits, the business cards NFC can store a large amount of information in digital form, visible on your digital profile.
They may contain contact details such as:
- your contact details,
- links to websites,
- links to your social networks
- links to PDFs, brochures, etc.
This allows users to share more information with their business contacts.
By storing information digitally, NFC business cards reduce the demand for new prints and the associated waste generation
With the NFC business cards, it is possible to update contact information and professional details instantly at a distance.
No need to recommend 300 cards of Paper tour For a change of contact information or position 😎
We avoid the waste of obsolete maps and it guarantees that the information transmitted always remains up to date, guaranteeing your branding.
The printing of cards of traditional visits often involves theusage:
- DThe ink,
- Of veneer
- andother chemical substances
Not very cool and especially harmful to the environment...
At Cardynale, our business cards NFC are:
Made in France produced in Orléans, in recycled wood or PVC from waste from European factories and protected with a marine varnish environmentally friendly.
By adopting digital solutions like business cards NFC, a company is sending a positive message in favor of their CSR policy.
It reinforces the image of the company as an eco-responsible player, thus attracting customers and partners who value these values 💜
La business card 100% digital, accessible via technologies like QR code, completely eliminates the need for physical supports.
Practical, it offers maximum flexibility, allows for real-time updates and easy sharing of information.
In addition, they considerably reduce thecarbon footprint associated with the production and distribution of physical cards.
It is clearly the most environmentally friendly card.
By adopting these digital solutions, businesses can demonstrate a strong commitment to ecological transition And of the social responsibility.
In conclusion, the NFC business card represents a greener alternative to paper cards, provided that the use of quality materials is considered.
It contributes to reducing gas emissions and its ecological footprint and is therefore a real responsible choice for the planet.
To further maximize your ecological commitment, we advise you to consider a solution of 100% digital business card.
This makes it possible to eliminate the production of waste and the consumption of resources associated with physical supports.
If the environmental issues, the sustainable development And the reducing the carbon footprint In the professional world are topics that speak to you, we strongly advise you to switch to connected business cards 💜