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Is the NFC business card eco-friendly?

Rédacteur Elsa
Antoine Payre
CEO & Co-founder
Illustration from the blog post about business cards

Business cards are a essential tool for professionals and businesses for establishing contacts and promote their activities.

With the technological advancements, a new form of business card has appeared: the NFC business card.
It offers a electronic alternative to traditional paper business cards.

However, what is his impact on the environment ? 🌿

In this article, we are going to explore whether the NFC business card is actually environmentally friendly and look at its pros and cons.

What is an NFC business card?

A quick reminder 🔔:

La NFC business card Is a equipped electronic card Of a NFC chip.

This chip allows a short distance wireless communication with other NFC-enabled devices, such as smartphones.

When a user Touch your smartphone to an NFC business card, it can automatically retrieve saved contact information on the NFC chip.

How does an NFC business card work?

Une carte de visite NFC, en érable recyclé, proposée par JustOneCard

An NFC business card, made of recycled maple, offered by JustOneCard

The benefits of the NFC business card in favor of the environment 🌿

1. Paper reduction 🗞️

The main advantage of the NFC business card is that it allows reduce paper consumption.

Some alarming numbers 😤:

  • Every year, 10 billion cards Paper visits are printed. Which is equivalent to 27 million Of business cards per day !

  • 88% Business cards are discarded within two weeks after their exchange.

By using NFC business cards, Fewer trees are felled to produce paper.

This contributes to the forest preservation And at the reduction of paper waste. 🌳

27 millions de cartes de visite en papier sont imprimées par jour

Alarming figure

2. Sustainability 💡

Contrary to traditional business cards In paper that are easily damaged or Lost, the NFC business cards are more durable.

They can withstand daily wear and tear, which means that they have a longer lifespan and require fewer frequent replacements. 🔋

That reduces waste generation and contributes to global sustainability.

Les cartes de visite en papier sont polluantes et inefficaces car elles finissent à la poubelle.

Conventional business cards are polluting and ineffective.

3. Large storage capacity 💾

Unlike traditional business cards, NFC business cards can store a large amount of information in digital form, visible on your digital profile. 📱

They may contain contact details Like your coordinates, links to websites, profiles of social networks, and even promotional videos etc. 🌐

This allows users to share more information with their professional contacts.

By storing information digitally, NFC business cards reduce the demand for new prints And the associated waste production.

Puce NFC et sa capacité de stockage de 1152 bits.

Storage capacity of an NFC chip

4. Instant update ⚡️

With NFC business cards, it is possible to update contact information and professional details instantly at a distance and for free.

No need to recommend 300 paper business cards for a change of contact information or position! 🚮

This allowsavoid wasting obsolete cards And of ensure that the information transmitted is always up to date.

Modification des informations en temps réel sur notre plateforme Company, accessible lors de l’achat d’une JOCard.

Modification of information in real time on our Company platform, accessible when buying a JoCard

5. Reduced material impact 👀

THEtraditional business card printing often involves theUse of ink, of veneer And ofother chemical substances Who can be harmful to the environment. 🌎

By using NFC business cards, which are mostly made of electronic materials, the impact of materials associated with the use of these chemical substances is reduced.

In addition, at JustOneCard our NFC business cards are Made in France produced in Orléans, in recycled wood from waste from European factories and protected with a marine varnish environmentally friendly. 🇫🇷

Une JOCard en cerisier recyclé, tenue dans une main.

A JoCard made of recycled cherry wood

6. Promotion of an eco-responsible corporate image 🌿

By adopting digital solutions like NFC business cards, a Company sends one positive message in favor of sustainability And of their CSR policy.

One well-established CSR policy Involves the choice of suppliers whom meet high environmental standards and the adoption of products that have a lower impact on the environment, that is the whole challenge of the NFC business card.

It can Strengthen the image Of the company as an eco-responsible player, thus attracting customers and partners who value these values. 🌿

Entreprise qui se soucie de l'environnement et de sa politique RSE.

Company involved in the preservation of our environment

The ecological and carbon footprint of the NFC ☁️ business card

Use of energy and resources ⚡️

However, it is important to note that the NFC business card manufacturing requires theenergy use And of resources.

So it is It is crucial to take these factors into account when evaluating the overall ecological footprint of NFC business cards.

NFC ♻️ business card recycling and disposal

La The recycling issue and the elimination of NFC business cards is also Relevant.

Since these cards contain electronic components, they must be treated properly at the end of life.

Femme tenant une carte de visite en papier avec le logo du recyclage

It is important to promote appropriate recycling practices to minimize environmental impact of these cards.

What about the impact of our cards offered at JustOneCard? 🌿

At JustOneCard, asActors of changeAnd, we want constantly reducing our environmental footprint ! 📉

Some rather encouraging figures 👍🏻:

  • When you perform 300 contact exchanges, You are reducing thanks to your NFC business card 80% of your carbon footprint.

  • Using supplier data, we concluded that The manufacture of our card is equivalent in carbon footprint to 30 paper business cards.

  • The carbon footprint linked to its usage (server) is 10 times lower To theIssuance of a paper business card.

  • The production of a NFC business card consumes 95g of CO2 vs 480g of CO2 For a lot of classic business card made of paper.

→ The more you use your JoCard, the more you reduce your carbon footprint compared to using paper business cards.


1 JOCard équivaut à 30 cartes de visite papier.
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