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What is the purpose of a business card? (in 2025)

Rédacteur Elsa
Antoine Payre
CEO & Co-founder
Illustration from the blog post about business cards

A business card is a communication tool essential in the professional world.

It allows you to leave your contact details to an interlocutor and make an impression from the first contact.

In 2025, it remains an effective way to present your company, its activity and its skills.
And it is also a strategic support for expand your professional network 👀

Let's see how to use it in more detail:


1. What is a business card?

A business card is a small document, often in standard size (85 x 55 mm), which contains key information about a professional or a business.

It can be printed on cardstock, with various finishes (selective varnish, embossing, gilding) to reflect the brand image and the quality of the services offered.

With the digitalization, the business card can also be electronic, accessible via a QR code or a URL link, allowing quick and direct sharing.

2. Why make business cards? What are the benefits?

Business cards have several key functions:

  • Make your profile visible : A well-designed card helps present yourself in a professional manner.
  • Facilitate communication : It allows an interlocutor to easily find your contact details.
  • Make an impression : Attractive design and high print quality can leave a strong impression.
  • A tool accessible at any time : Unlike electronic contacts that can get lost in a large number of emails, a business card remains a tangible physical medium.
  • Develop your professional network : Ideal for events, trade shows and business meetings.
  • Stand out from the competition : An original or high-end card reinforces your professional image.

Little tips 💡: Do not give out your business card to everyone: it is important that you only give your business card to people who are genuinely interested in your business, in order to maximize the chances of creating lasting professional relationships.

To find out more 👉🏻 How NFC business cards improve your networking

3. What information should I put on a card?

Since your business card represents your place in your company, it must reflect your company.

They exist different business card formats.

Several months after giving your card, the prospect must remember you, your business, and why you gave him this card.

So your business card must at least contain:

  • Your name + first name
  • Your company + address + logo
  • Your position
  • Your contact details (email + phone number)
  • Web site
  • You can add a short description of your activity to make an impression.
  • Any other information that you think is important to share and that could set you apart (QR code with the link to your social networks for example).

Simulateur de Carte de Visite

Jean Dupont

Business Developer

[email protected]

4. How do you create an effective business card?

Here are some tips for a top card:

  • Choosing the ideal format : Standard size or original card according to your business image.
  • Use an attractive design : A clear layout and a strong visual identity.
  • Opt for a lasting impression : A professional printer guarantees a top-of-the-range result.
  • Choose high quality paper : Cardstock, textured or recycled depending on your style.
  • Add premium finishes : Selective varnish, embossing or gilding for a high-end effect.
  • Organize content well : A double-sided can offer more space without overloading the visual.

5. Are there different business cards?

It is possible to customize the size of your card (standardized rectangular size), but also its shape, colors, typography, even its material can be chosen from the paper, the metall, the PVC or even the wood.

Generally, metal and wooden business cards are business cards that have a chip NFC. This is called a smart business card.

Knowing that a potential competitor can also meet your prospect and leave him his business card, the choice will therefore be made for him towards the one who has left the best impression.

It is therefore necessary to have the business card the more original, efficient, who will leave a lasting impression of your prospect and will make them want to contact you again.


Little tips💡: Choose the NFC card if you don't want to recommend cards regularly.

La lifetimes of a paper business card is quite weak.

Indeed, these cards usually end Wrinkled in a pocket, Forgotten at the bottom of a drawer and more than 80% are discarded after 2 weeks (Source: bluenotes).

Unlike paper business cards, a NFC business card or a virtual business card (Vcard) accompanies you For life, throughout your professional career.

5. How do you stand out with a business card?

Choosing a connected business card is a great way to stand out.

Unlike the traditional business card, it allows a large amount of information to be shared dynamically:

  • Easy update : Edit online content without reprinting (useful for changing the name of the person if married, or the position if promoted for example).
  • Interactivity : Addition of videos, portfolios, presentations.
  • Ecological impact : Reduction in printing in large quantities.
  • Instant accessibility : A simple QR code scan is enough.

Innovative professionals, such as freelancers, startups and large companies, are adopting these solutions to modernize their communication.

👉🏻 How to make an NFC business card

voir nos cartes NFC cardynale

6. What is the price of a business card?

In general, a classic business card cannot be ordered alone, but in batches of 100, 200 or even 1000 cards.

Thus, the prices of a business card are very variable and depend on both the quality Of printing And of material selected, of number of copies And of work Who was supplied for the designer/graphic designer for example.

Overall, it costs around €20 for 100 business cards if you buy from an online printer 💸

This represents a budget if each employee needs to reprint it for a small change, especially when you know that :

88% of business cards exchanged end up in the trash less than 2 weeks after being given*

(Source: Bluenotes).

La NFC business card, It is never thrown away by its owner and still allows a contact to be transferred, instantly and more environmentally friendly 🌿

Its price generally varies enters €20 and €90 HT depending on the material and the customization.

👉🏻 See here the personalized Cardynale business card.

It is a good investment for unique business card Who accompanies you For life.

voir nos témoignages clients


In 2025, the business card remains a essential communication medium.

Whether traditional or connected, it plays an essential role in the professional world.
Used strategically, it allows you to present yourself effectively,Expand your network and to attract new prospects.

To maximize its impact, it is important to choose it well and adapt its format to your business.

A well-designed card is a powerful asset to develop your business and strengthen your branding.

Create your digital business card for free
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